One Time Scripts

These are scripts that are run exactly once per database, and never again. Think things like create table... statements. You can’t create a table twice so any attempt to run the script a second time results in an error.


Scripts in the following folders are one time scripts by default.

  • runAfterCreateDatabase
  • up

What goes in the Up Folder?

  1. DDL (schema changes - database structure)
  2. DML (inserts/updates/deletes)

How does the order work?

grate always runs files in order alphabetically.

How should I name my scripts?

One should prepend your order specific scripts with either a number moving upwards padded with three zeros (i.e. 0001_somescript.sql followed by 0002_nextscript.sql) or a nice long date time in YYYYMMddHHmmss format (i.e. 20121026091400_somescript.sql followed by 20121026091401_nextscript.sql), but you are not limited to those options. Some people do a separation by numbers as in ####.##.##.#### or something else. Find what works for you (and your team) and use it.


If there is a change to a one time script and the migrator is run, grate will determine you have changed that file and will shut down immediately with errors. That being said, there is a configuration setting to allow you to still run with warnings. Although not recommended, grate tries not to be a tool that constrains users.
See [[ConfigurationOptions]] under Switches WarnOnOneTimeScriptChanges