Anytime Scripts

Anytime scripts are scripts that are run anytime they have changes. That means grate automatically detects new files and changes in files and runs when it finds changes.


Scripts in the following folders are treated as Anytime scripts by default:

  • AlterDatabase
  • RunBeforeUp
  • RunFirstAfterUpdate
  • Functions
  • Views
  • Sprocs
  • Indexes
  • RunAfterOtherAnyTimeScripts


Remember that as your script may be run multiple times, you can’t just make it a create... script, but should use create or alter... instead. If your DBMS version doesn’t support create or alter... semantics then you can use a ‘create if not exists, alter otherwise’ workflow instead.


IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('[ss].[usp_GetAllThis]'))
EXECUTE('CREATE PROC [ss].[usp_GetAllThis] AS SELECT * FROM sys.objects') -- Create a dummy placeholder object if needed

-- You can then alter the proc as needed here over repeat migrations without losing permissions etc.

ALTER PROCEDURE [ss].[usp_GetAllThis] 
/* your procedure guts here */